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Paul Voytinsky aka Uncle Pasha has been thinking farmer lifestyle for years. 

He makes a living by advising and assisting travellers to Russia, preparing people for their immigration interviews, translating, re-writing and developing documents, and other measly pettyfoggery described at www.unclepasha.com

The fangs are not necessarily a part of his core nature but a reaction to the realities of Russian living.  See the Misery Tourism section somewhere in his travel documents for an explanation why his character has so much deteriorated in recent years.

Olesya Pomazan, his charming wife, a sociologist by education, is a Siberian of Ukrainian descent.

Before life went crazy in Russia, her predecessors were merchants and wealthy farmers in Siberia and the south of Russia. She views our rural work as a restoration of historic justice.

The main index of Pasha's and Olesya's files is www.unclepasha.com


Katia and Cyril have joined us in October 2002

Katia, Cyril's fiancée. A sociologist, market expert and journalist by training and experience.


Olesya's brother Cyril. A cook by calling. Now mastering the art of maintaining a Russian-made vehicle.

More of our faces in www.unclepasha.com/horses_e/about_us.htm

Хостинг от uCoz